Prayer is a central part of our relationship with God and the life of our church.

Prayer is a central part of our relationship with God and the life of our church. Jesus often prayed for individuals by laying hands on the sick. He also prayed quietly in a place set apart. We are called to pray for the sick and to bring all our concerns to God in prayer.

On Sundays, we pray for those on the Parish Prayer List during the Prayers of the People, part of our corporate worship, as we unite together in prayer to lift up the needs and concerns of others.

Anyone can submit a name (their own or someone else's) for the prayer list by filling out a card in the pew and putting it on the collection plate, using the form on this webpage, or calling the church office at (228) 467-7757.

Please be sure the person whose name you are submitting does not mind their name being read aloud in church. Usually, these names are kept on the prayer list until the person submitting the name says it is OK to take the name off the list.